The Turbo
Wing® wing & rotor combination added to a watercraft as a
"retrofit" asillustraded below, will permit any type of watercraft
to achieve superior performance.

The total aerodynamic lift of a watercraft retrofitted with Turbo
Wing® will reduce the weight of the craft on the water, and therefore
reduce the water drag of the hull. the forward thrust of the Turbo
Wing® partially overcomes the remaining drag of the hull, so that
the power required to move the craft forward is considerably reduced.
Significant performance enhancements:
- Increased
high-speed capabilities
- Improved
craft stability and control at all speeds
- Reduced
pounding and vertical "G-loads"
- Improved
riding comfort
- Increased
- Improved
fuel economy
- Reduced
speed loss in high seas
- Increased
acceleration from "in the hole to planning"
